Sunday, 19 February 2012

Emotional Wave and the Intellectual flatline.

PART ONE (understanding love series)

On a Crest of an Emotion  Everyone has experienced emotional up and downs. But what are the mechanism that are involve to create such dynamic feelings. Are there any advantages? Well intense emotions adds to the experience and contributes tto memory retention, good or bad.  But high intensity emotions (super-inflated or super-deflated) are volatile and uncontrollable.

Balance between emotions and intellectual reasoning is required. Remember that all events are based on your sensory perception.

"Changing your perception changes your  actions."

The Experience Process (Stimuli to action)

  1. Perception of stimuli (event); your senses perceives an outside stimuli (any event) that benefits or challenges your physical, mental well-being, as well as your moral beliefs that are anchored in your sub-conscious or spiritual being.
  2. Evaluate; your brain quickly assess the level of importance your sensory array has placed on the current event or stimuli. No matter how trivial an event may seem, your senses inevitably categorize them in two groups; accept or reject.
  3. Determination is made (accept or reject); the brain (reticular activating system - ras) prioritized all signals pushing the critical impulses to the front of the line. One can look at the sorting process as neural impulse triage. 
  4. Emotional response; a specific emotion is then deployed with a level of intensity appropriate to the stimuli at hand (in healthy individuals). If the event is trivial then the sensory output will be less significant to an event that is critical. Subsequently a trivial stimuli will summon very little response from the individual, while critical event is a serious call to action.
  5. Action; emotion has prompted action. The level of action is determined by the intensity of your emotion, which was influenced by the stimuli. Therefore any course of action is influenced by the intensity of an emotion and the acceptance or rejection of the stimuli (event).
  6. Result; depending on whether the decision was made to accept or reject the event in the first place; the individual faces several possible results. The person has achieved or failed to absorb the desired stimuli. The individual has achieved or failed to reject stimuli.
Acceptive and Rejective Emotions
Pleasant emotions influences person into acceptance of event or stimuli, while unpleasant emotions are signals to reject the stimuli. However both acceptive and rejective emotions are beneficial in short term use. However any long-term emotions can be detrimental. For example horror (a rejective emotion) is beneficial in situations of danger. It advises you to reject, to fight or flee. While long-term horror leads to maladaptive behaviour. It inhibits one from taking any appropriate actions.
Intense experiences brings intense emotions and quick reactions

 It is your perception that will influence and dictate your emotions and consequently your actions (Your Results). Change the interpretation or its intensity of your emotions and you change your actions. If something made you angry then you may resort to violence. But if you don't let the stimuli (event) lead to uncontrolled anger you then you have succeeded in changing your perception and your action. Changing your perception changes your actions. Never make a crucial decision while in an highly emotional state. Over reaction is not only possible but highly probable.actions

Now with respect to love...
Love is a stimuli that dwells in your core values. It is not an emotion but leads to emotions and actions.

Will continue with this series on my next post.
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1 comment:

Donna said...

Joseph, thank you so much for you post, I know how difficult it can be to change perception. I myself am guilty not being able to maintain good self esteem in the work place because I am constantly comparing myself with others. doing this and I think it's hard for me not to listen to my inner critic. I am trying to become more positive in the workplace and I have found ways on that are helping me to ignore my personal criticisms. I suggest taking a look and hope it helps!


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