Sunday 29 January 2012

The Top 10 Misconception About Love

Here's a list of the more popular misconception of love.

NO.  10  You must earn love. False. True love is freely given.

NO.  9  Love grows. False. Love may increase in numbers but not in intensity towards a person. It is the affections and actions that grows. Love is neither of those attributes but is the cause of the effectual emotions.

NO. 8  Love comes in many flavours. False. Love is a moral standard. It should be the same across the board. It is love's entourage of affections that come in many colours.

NO. 7  Love fails. False. You are responsible for  the implementation of the moral standard. The standard of love is entirely executable. Giving is in your hand.
NO. 6  Love is limited to our inner-circle. False. True love is non-bias. It freely offers a gift of edification and forgiveness to everyone.

NO. 5  Love is physical. False. Again love is a deep inner-core value. It is a subconscious order. Physical contact is an effectual action caused by love. Love is the event and the rest is the result.

NO. 4  Love has fear. False. Fear threatens, true love does not. Love is an act of faith. Faith is an expectation of a beneficial outcome. True love does not torment.

NO. 3  Love gives and takes. False. Love is unselfish. It only gives. It does not wait for a return. If everyone worked within this parameter then everyone would be giving, consequently everyone would be receiving.

NO. 2  The bible has different types of love. False. There are many different words translated as love. But only the word 'Agape' refers to the real love. The other words are love's effect.

NO. 1.  Love is an emotion. False, false, and false. If you don't take any of the above items to heart then take this one only. Emotions are constantly changing moment to moment in reaction to a stimuli. They come and go like the wind. Unfortunately some people experience this type of false love. Love is intended to be steadfast.

Love is the cause or the event that propagates emotions and actions.


NO. 0  Valentine should be celebrated everyday!!!! TRUE. Love is everyday.

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Anonymous said...

Excellent Trico I really like your blog.


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