Saturday, 21 May 2011

Integrity of the Heart / Love and Hate

People in my social circle are subjected to the state and integrity of my heart. Directly or indirectly, I expose my friends to the condition of my heart. This can be problematic if I was bent on hatred, destruction, or even low self-esteem. The state of harmony becomes apparent and invaluable to our social fabric.

I find it important to commit to a regular self-diagnostic of the heart so I can remain aware of my interaction with my circle of friends.  I beleive that self-improvement should be on-going. Love continuously edifies. It is uninterrupted. Perpetual self-improvement is love in action. Anything less is destructful and hateful.

Hate can be define as desiring that ill-intention, destruction or misfortune should befall the person in question. To de-edify, dehumanize, or to devalue a person to mere object; as, to hate one's enemies, or even to be in a state of sexual preoccupation over a person.
If one is not edifying, one is committed to hate. To objectify a person is also hate.
Hate is the systematic depredation of a person’s honour and general well-being.
Love on the otherhand can be define as desiring good-will, well-being, and good fortune to rest upon a person. To edify, humanize, and value every person’s worth.
Love builds. It never stops. True love targets everyone without partiality. This starts with yourself and then your neighbour.

Love harbours a contructive behavior while hatred propogates a destructive behavior.
Edify everyone at all times - even your enemies!

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